So Your Child Wants to Play a Sport
Published in The Other Paper January 2019, written by Ellen M. Drolette
So, your little one wants to start playing a sport. No matter what sport it is, there are a lot of important tidbits for parents to remember that will take them far and create a stronger relationship with their child
Some parents live vicariously through their children and are hoping their children will achieve the dream may be that they never fulfilled. It
is important to note that according to National College Athletic Association (NCAA) less than 2% of athletes will go on to play a professional sport. Many children can go on to play a sport in college at various level including a club level, but it is difficult. I observed
many parents who really thought their youth peewee “A” player was going to the National Hockey League. Be realistic and let your child decide if they want to play a sport competitively. At a young age when a child starts a sport or activity, it is important to have them followed through on what they start. If they don’t like it, that’s okay. However, they are a puzzle piece on a team and are needed and must follow through with their commitment. If they don’t want to do it next time, let it be okay. Perhaps it is time to try something new.
Leave the coaching and critiquing to the coaches. When your child gets done a game or practice, use this time to ask them how they are feeling, do they need a snack or a drink? Don’t use this time to tell them they did not run hard enough, skate hard enough or were lazy. This type of criticism breaks down a child’s confidence and makes them self-conscious when they are out on the ice or field.
Last but not least, do not under any circumstances try to coach your child from the stands or sidelines. I was witness to one child throughout youth and high school sports who would always be looking into the stands at his father giving him hand signals that were contrary to that of the direction the coach was giving. This child would often ride home with us to avoid the wrath of his father telling him what he did wrong. His father never played the sport and was not a coach. This child had amazing potential far beyond what he was performing. He did not want to disappoint his father or his coach.
Follow your child’s lead. Sports can be a great outlet for children and a great way to learn about teamwork and friendship.